21/12/13: Flight Test Review Solo

Beautiful sunny Brisbane morning!  Great day for flying  :-)

On the agenda for today is a flight test review solo where I go through the same manoeuvres and emergency procedures covered in my previous flight test review.

Before starting my pre-flight checks on my aircraft for today, 24-7984 J170, I ran my flight plan past David for his approval:
  1. Normal takeoff departing to the East
  2. Slow cruise on way out - 2400RPM 70KIAS
  3. A few steep turns
  4. Stalls
  5. Forced landing simulation
  6. Head back to YBAF requesting circuits on arrival
  7. Circuit 1 - normal touch-and-go
  8. Circuit 2 - glide approach touch-and-go
  9. Circuit 3 - flapless approach touch-and-go
  10. Circuit 4 - short field landing stop-and-go with short field takeoff
  11. Circuit 5 - normal with full stop landing
I wouldn't have time to get in a precautionary search & landing practice.

I basically practiced all the above except the circuit emergencies (glide and flapless approaches) and short-field landing & takeoff. 

On my second circuit when requesting a glide approach, ATC was unable to comply due to traffic at the time.  I was running out of time as I wanted to be finished up about 10am so called it a day finishing with 3 normal circuits on arriving back to Archerfield.

A fun area solo with some lumps and bumps  :-)

I've booked in an area solo consolidation flight for 3rd January, as I'd like to get some more area solo time before the Flight Test and also feel I need to improve some manoeuvres and emergency procedures before my Flight Test for Pilot Certificate.  I also need to get my BAK exam done before my Flight Test.

Until next time have fun, fly safe and have a great Christmas and New Year!  :-)

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