10/12/13: Flight Test Review

Today's flight is a review for my Pilot Certificate Flight Test  :-) 

An 1.5 hour flight with an Instructor where I'm asked to cover all flight manoeuvrers and emergency procedures learned to date in preparation for the real Flight Test.  A great way to see where I'm doing well and aspects of my flying I need to improve.

Throughout the flight, my Instructor quizzed me on various topics including aircraft performance, aircraft systems, radio failure procedure, Class D procedures and airspace.

Without going into all the detail, the sequence of my flight test review was:
  1. Short-field takeoff on runway 28R during non-tower hours (CTAF) climbing at best angle (65 KIAS).  Once at 300ft, retracted flaps and resumed climb at best rate (70 KIAS).  Turned left onto crosswind then onto downwind leg and tracked 088 degrees once outside the aerodrome
  2. Climb to 1500ft outside of Class D YBAF
  3. Slow cruise - 2400 RPM 70KIAS
  4. Climbed to 2500ft flying south of Mt Cotton (Class C 3500ft step)
  5. 180 degree medium level turn
  6. Steep turns at 2500ft - 2 x left turns and 1 x right turn
  7. 3 x power-off stalls
  8. 1 x approach (power-on) stall at 1800RPM with 1st stage flap
  9. Forced landing simulation
  10. Precautionary search and landing simulation
  11. Headed back to YBAF requesting circuits on arrival - straight in approach for a runway 28L touch-and-go
  12. ATC switched me to right crosswind after the 28L touch-and-go to join the 28R circuit
  13. Short-field landing on runway 28R - 65KIAS approach reducing to 60KIAS on short final landing on the runway numbers  :-)
  14. Full stop landing on runway 28R with a glide approach from late downwind - no sideslip needed  :-)
Overall, my Instructor said that was excellent flying  :-)  I need to practice my Precautionary search and landing  as I got my upwind and downwind mixed up.  I was mistakenly doing my runway checks on downwind.  Also I need to ensure I maintain 65KIAS when gliding.

Next flight will be a Flight Test Review Solo where I practice the same manoeuvrers and emergency procedures with an Instructor on board.

Until next time, have fun and fly safe!

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