22/9/13: Circuit Considerations Training #3

Arrived to Archerfield about half hour early today.  My Instructor today would be Mick again :-)

Today, back into the J170 24-7984... all repaired with a new engine, prop and landing gear since the forced landing in a paddock the other week due to engine failure.

  • 1st circuit - 28R line-up and wait (runway 28R is right-hand turns in the circuit).  Due to crosswinds, ATC requested a left turn after takeoff to establish me onto a left base for runway 04L.  Runway 04L still had a 8 knot crosswind though.  Mick re-positioned me after takeoff onto the 04L final leg for a 04L touch-and-go.   I did a small sideslip to drop a bit of altitude to make the runway.  Runway 04L is one of two dirt/grass runways at Archerfield so was good experience using the different surface.

  • 2nd circuit - 04L touch-and-go

  • 3rd circuit - 04L touch-and-go

  • 4th circuit - 04L touch-and-go with a flapless approach.  On downwind abeam the threshold, I basically reduce power to about 1900RPM, apply almost full back elevator trim and adopt a higher nose attitude coming in on a more shallow, faster approach

  • 5th circuit - 04L touch-and-go with a flapless approach

  • 6th circuit - 04L touch-and-go.  Stayed on the dirt track during entire roll.  Previous circuits I was drifting to the left whilst rolling after landing... more right rudder to keep straight!  Also I was taking my eyes momentarily off the runway to readjust the flap and trim settings so by the time I looked up, I had drifted left off the narrow dirt track down the centre of the runway.  Need to keep eyes out front, keep straight with rudder and feel for the flap and trim to adjust as rolling.  Its like when you're learning to drive a manual car and needing to look down at the gear stick to change gears  :-)

  • 7th circuit - 04L touch-and-go with a glide approach.  On downwind abeam the threshold, I basically idle power, apply full back elevator trim, set the attitude for a 65KIAS best glide speed and turn directly to the runway threshold.  I was too high for the runway, so did a full side slip (full right rudder with full left aileron) coming in a sharp dog-leg left turn to line up with the runway and land

  • 8th circuit - 04L touch-and-go with a glide approach.  After taking off again, Mick radioed ATC requesting a low-level circuit but ATC advised we're not allowed to do low-level circuits (ie fly downwind at 500ft rather than 1000ft) on the cross runways

  • 9th circuit - 04L touch-and-go.  Landed with main wheels touching the threshold. 

  • 10th circuit - 04L full stop landing. ALMOST landed with the main wheels touching the 04L threshold but a wind gust got my wing just as I was flaring.  Mick acknowledged this saying I would have stuck it again if it weren't for the wind gust  :-)
Great lesson with some good landings.  Unfortunately no solo circuits during this lesson as Archerfield apparently don't allow solo circuits when the grass runways are active.

After the lesson my Instructor contacted Archerfield ATC asking if I could visit the tower for a tour.  One of the flight school staff drove me over to the Tower.  We climbed the stairs to be greeted by the Tower Controller, Ground Controller and Supervisor.  As it was a Sunday, they just had the one Tower Controller on but apparently during the week they have two Tower Controllers on, one for Northern and one for Southern departures/arrivals. 

They gave me a quick overview of the equipment they use and procedures.  Had a awesome view (as you'd expect) of the airfield with Brisbane CBD on the horizon.  They congratulated me on my first solo from yesterday which was really nice.  I asked some questions around Class D airspace procedures and left them in peace to carry on with traffic control.

Next lesson bright and early Saturday 28th... looking forward to it!  :-)

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