Woke up this morning excited for Lesson 2 but looking outside saw nothing but fog! Luckily my lesson was scheduled for 10.30am so this would hopefully allow time for the fog to lift.
Arriving at the flight school, it looked like they were behind schedule due to the fog and therefore I wouldn't be going up quite yet. A student was sitting his Air Legislation Exam and Radio Exam whilst my flight instructor for today, Doug went through the pre-flight lesson theory with me. Our pre-flight lesson was interrupted a couple times as the student was finishing exams and needed them marked with explanations on any incorrect answers. This was ok as I wasn't in a rush to be anywhere.
Whilst my instructor was marking the exams, I was invited onto the apron where a BP fuel truck was parked next to a Jabiru J230 for refuelling. I got to observe a refuelling procedure and asked a few questions, so learnt a few things there.
Back inside, we completed the pre-flight theory lesson (bunch of PowerPoint slides). Since we were waiting for return flights, I had ample opportunity to ask some flight theory questions and chat about aviation in general with Doug.
Due to the flight school behind flight lesson schedules (delay with early morning fog), Doug did a pre-flight inspection of the Jabiru J170 and in my next lesson, I'll be taken through the procedure as per the Pilot Operating Handbook (POH). Essentially its checking the airframe, oil and fuel.
We both hopped in the aircraft and I completed the "Before Start" checklist then the "Normal Start" checklist. I tuned the COM radio to ATIS (120.9) and we listened to the weather info, active runway, QNH setting, etc. I then tuned to the Archer Ground frequency (119.9) and radioed for taxi clearance:
"Archer Ground, Jabiru 7984, on Eastern Apron in receipt of Golf, dual for Eastern departure, request taxi"
We received taxi instructions for runway 28R holding point Bravo One (B1). Doug radioed the read-back.
I then performed the taxi to the runway 28R run-up bay where under supervision, I completed the "Run Up" checklist and "Before Take-Off" checklist. After completing these, we taxied to holding point Bravo One for runway 28R.
I changed COM radio frequency to Archer Tower and Doug handled the radio calls for takeoff clearance. We received lineup instructions but this is NOT takeoff clearance. I taxied towards the runway threshold and as I did so, Archer Tower provided take-off clearance.
I performed the take-off without assistance... a little shaky due to wind at 8 knots at 260. Above 50ft airborne! Above 300ft flaps up 70 knots following runway heading to 500ft after which we banked right U-turn to followup downwind. Extending the downwind leg pointed us in the East direction towards North Stradbroke Island for the Eastern Training Area.
Without doing into detail, demonstrations were provided on straight and level flight and various power configurations, after which I performed by myself. Its essentially Power, Attitude and Trim equals Performance. I started getting used to the elevator trim and how to use it effectively. Very minor heading corrections were made with rudder only.
Straight & level flight essentially means all forces on the aircraft and in equilibrium.... altitude and speed remains constant with wings level.
We headed back towards the inbound East VFR path and radioed at the Target reporting point at 1500ft. Archer Tower cleared us for a straight in final to runway 28R so we configured the aircraft to descend from 1500ft abeam Mt Gravatt on our right wing and completed the "Before Landing" checklist. I flew approach and Doug took over for short final, landing the aircraft.
Clearing the runway crossing onto the taxiway and stopping, we completed the "After Landing" checklist and I tuned to Archer Ground and radioed a request for taxi to the Eastern Apron and repeated back the clearance :-) Radio communications is all a confidence thing which I'm sure will come with practice.
I did all the taxing again to the apron parking area and completed the "Shutdown" checklist. Done!
Lesson 3, climbing & descending next Saturday! :-)
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