18/1/14: RA-Aus Pilot Certificate Flight Test (Fail)

I passed my RA-Aus Basic Aeronautical Knowledge (BAK) exam on Friday 10th January  :-)   This was the final theory exam to complete before I can take the practical RA-Aus Pilot Certificate Flight Test.

I've done a fair bit of preparation leading up to my Flight Test booked for today, Saturday 18th January 9am.... fingers crossed!  Preparation included going through past in-cockpit videos of my flights and reviewing procedures and notes.

Arriving to Archerfield, I was greeted by Mick, the CFI who would be grading my flight today.  ATIS advised 10L is the active runway this morning.

Today, I was allocated Jabiru 160 24- 8229 and as per usual, I started with the pre-flight inspection of the aircraft.

We hopped into the aircraft and I taxied down towards the 10L threshold, completing my run-up checks in the 10L bay (near holding point B5).  I taxied to holding point B5 and made my radio call to Tower for an Eastern departure.  Normal take-off climbing to 300ft then flaps up.  Approaching 400ft, I started having a lookout getting ready for my left crosswind turn at 500ft.  Made the left turn onto the crosswind leg and approaching about 750ft mid-crosswind, Mick asked me where we are?  I said mid-crosswind coming onto downwind at 1000ft, not sure exactly what he was getting at.

Well, early on the downwind leg it clicked...  I'm heading West!!  Ahh %^$^!  Mick radioed Tower requesting a 10L full stop.  Flight Test over... fail  :-(

All I can put it down to was too much of my attention thinking ahead to the next stages of the flight in the training area and not enough focus on the current moment.  Also, the majority of my take-offs have been from runway 28R which requires a turn onto crosswind then extend the downwind leg to track for the Eastern training area... habit I guess, but that's no excuse  :-)

In the run-up bay I skipped giving the take-off safety brief and departure brief.  Had I done the departure brief, this would have re-confirmed in my mind that a take-off from runway 10L for an Eastern departure means extending the upwind leg tracking to the cross of the motorways maintaining 1000ft.  I knew this but had a lapse of concentration.  Won't make that mistake again  :-)

Thankfully, Mick was able to book me in tomorrow afternoon for another go at the Flight Test.

Until next time, have fun and fly safe!

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