6/7/13: Flight Lesson #4 - Turning

Relatively early start today for a 7.30am flight lesson.  I arrived at Archerfield a little earlier to be greeted by Doug who would be my instructor for the Turning lesson today.

Doug advised we would also go through a bit of technique with climbing and descending.  Given I'd already had the ground school theory lesson for Turning, Doug provided a quick overview of the aerodynamics involved during turns (banking).

We then proceeded out to the Eastern apron where I completed the pre-flight inspection of the aircraft I'd be flying today - Jabiru J170 registration 7984.

Following is a list of steps I now go through when departing Archerfield in the J170:

  1. Pre-flight inspection
  2. Add fuel and/or oil if required
  3. Enter aircraft and complete Before Start checklist
  4. Complete Normal Start checklist
  5. Set Transponder to 3000 + ALT (Class D)
  6. Tune radio to ATIS & listen - 120.9
  7. Tune radio to Archer Ground – 119.9
  8. Taxi call - Contact Archer Ground for taxi clearance
  9. Taxi to run-up bay for assigned runway (check instruments & brakes during taxi)
  10. Complete Run Up checklist
  11. Complete Before Take Off checklist
  12. Give take off safety brief and departure brief
  13. Taxi to assigned runway holding point (angle aircraft towards approach)
  14. Tune radio to Archer Tower - 123.6 N / 118.1 S
  15. Take off call - Contact Archer Tower for take off clearance
  16. Take off – stay on centreline, check IAS increasing & steady RPM, rotate 55KIAS  TOSS 65KIAS
  17. Flaps up at 300 ft
  18. Begin turn at 500 ft
  19. Top of climb – fuel pump off
  20. Outside Class D set Transponder to 1200 + ALT (Class G)
  21. Outside Class D tune radio to BNE Radar - 125.7
We tracked out East to the training area staying at 1000ft crossing the intersection of the Pacific and Gateway Motorways. 

I practised a number of left and right turning exercises.  Basically, to enter a turn:
  • check for traffic then,
  • co-ordinated aileron & rudder then,
  • set visual wedge for bank angle then,
  • neutralise controls and rudder and hold back pressure only throughout the turn for pitch (dependant on bank angle)
  • check attitude (nose below horizon for right turn – nose slightly above the horizon for left turn)
  • check instruments (speed & altitude)
  • check outside for traffic
  • keep checking attitude, instruments & traffic scan

To exit a turn, apply opposite aileron and rudder to roll out and relieve back pressure for return to straight & level flight

I practised this my following the Logan river turning through the river bends.  I fly back to the Eastern inbound reporting point, ready for arrival back to Archerfield.
Following is a list of steps I now go through when arriving to Archerfield in the J170:
  1. Before VFR reporting point, tune radio to ATIS & listen - 120.9
  2. At VFR reporting point, tune radio to Archer Tower - 123.6 N / 118.1 S
  3. Inside Class D set Transponder to 3000 + ALT (Class D)
  4. Reporting point call - Contact Archer Tower for circuit joining instructions
  5. Landing call – Contact Archer Tower to report as instructed for assigned landing runway
  6. Complete Before Landing checklist - BUMFISHH
  7. Land & vacate runway on next available taxiway
  8. Stop & complete After Landing checklist
  9. Set Transponder to 3000 + STNBY (Class D)
  10. Tune radio to Archer Ground – 119.9
  11. After landing call – Contact Archer Ground for taxi clearance
  12. Taxi to Eastern apron & park
  13. Complete Shutdown checklist

My next lesson was scheduled for tomorrow, Sunday 7/7/13 but unfortunately has been delayed until next weekend due to instructor availability.

So next lessons are:

Saturday 13/7 - Lesson #3 Climbing and Descending
Sunday 14/7 - Lesson #5 Stalling

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