14/6/14: YBAF circuits in C162

Since my last blog entry, I've been busy studying for my RA-Aus Navigation & Meteorology theory exam.  I bought the RA-Aus Cross Country Endorsement book which served a good resource to use with the Bob Tait PPL to study for this exam.

I sat the exam on Monday 9th and passed!  Got 86% (pass rate is 80%)  :-)

Today was planned for my first cross country solo!  However, Saturday was quite an overcast and drizzly day with low visibility and low cloud base.  No cross country flying for me today.

I did however fly a few circuits in the Skycatcher as its been a few weeks since my last flight. 

The BOM shows the weather tomorrow (Sunday 15/6) looks to be fine with little chance of rain.  Here's hoping...

Until next time, have fun and fly safe!

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