12/10/13: Basic Circuit Training #5 & Circuit Solo Check

A little overcast with some drizzly rain this Saturday morning, but still suitable conditions for circuits.

On the way to Archerfield, I checked AWIS which reported winds at 110 degrees around 10 knots so I figured runway 10L would be the active this morning with a decent headwind.

On arriving to Pathfinder Aviation I was greeted by David, my instructor for today.  I completed the pre-flight checks on J170 24-7984, taxied out to the 10L runup bay, completed my runup checks and took off for 10L circuits (left-hand turns).

Parked on the apron - Me (left seat) and my instructor David (right seat)
David setting up the GoPro while I'm going through the Before Start and Normal Start checklists

  • 1st circuit - 10L touch-and-go (dual)

  • 2nd circuit - 10L touch-and-go (dual)

  • 3rd circuit - 10L full stop landing (dual).  David jumped out after exiting the runway and walked back along taxiway Bravo.  Now here's an embarrassing moment  :-)  Out of habit I guess, I started taxing back to the apron following David walking along the taxiway... wrong way Matt!  Whoops!  Did a sharp U-turn on the taxiway and taxied back to holding point bravo five ready to takeoff again from runway 10L  :-)

  • 4th circuit - 10L touch-and-go (solo) - ATC asked me to follow a Cessna just in front of me on upwind leg.  This guy flew a wider circuit that I normally fly (long crosswind and base legs), but had to follow him so did so maintaining horizontal separation 

  • 5th circuit - 10L touch-and-go (solo)

  • 6th circuit - 10L touch-and-go (solo)

  • 7th circuit - 10L full stop landing (solo) - ATC asked me to "roll on through" for my full stop landing meaning when I touched down, keep rolling towards the end of the runway and exit.  Quicker to get back to the apron than use the taxiways at taxi speed  :-)
My 10L circuits today (left-hand turns)
I've now ordered and eagerly await a David Clark H10-13.4 headset with the David Clark headset bag from http://www.mypilotstore.com.  Cost was AU$316 (headset) and AU$20 (bag) and AU$69 (freight from USA) giving total AU$405.

Super early flight tomorrow... first flight of the day at 5am!  yikes!  Looking forward to it  :-)


  1. Great stuff Matt. I ordered my headset (Lightspeed Sierra) from MyPilotStore as well. It shipped Friday morning our time and is currently sitting in Sydney awaiting a Monday flight to Brisbane, so you should have yours pretty soon as well. Good consistent circuits!

    1. Thanks Grant :-) Bet you're looking forward to receiving your new headset. You'll have to let me know how it performs. I opted for the most popular David Clark model that was within my budget. Happy flying!
