Flight Simulation

In recent years I've re-discovered Microsoft Flight Simulator (PC-based flight simulation software).  I remember using it back with the Flight Simulator 98 version.  Its come a long way since that version with Flight Simulator X (FSX) being the latest version. 

Checkout a video on the history of Flight Simulator versions... the product is over 30 years old!

Here's a video snippet from FSX:

Although it can never replace the real thing, I think its as close as you can get that's available as a PC-based virtual simulation.  Although the integrated Student and Private Pilot Licence (PPL) lessons focus on the instruments (watching the VSI, artificial horizon, etc) I think FSX can give those real-world student pilots a good head start.  I think FSX is particularly good for Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flying, replicating VOR, NDB, GPS and ILS functions. 

I've heard some real pilots use FSX to brush up on instruments procedures and even practice an approach at a particular airport before doing it in the real world.  Visual Flight  Rules (VFR) flying (ie flying by predominately looking out the window) in FSX is not bad particularly with scenery add-ons where ground reference visual waypoints are more accurate and identifiable, otherwise its not the best VFR trainer.  I think VatSIM and other multi-player options give serious flight simmers exposure to what real-world procedures and Air Traffic Control (ATC) is like.  FSX is flexible in that you can pick any source & destination airport in the world, create a VFR or IFR flight plan, do basic fuel and weight calculations, pick your aircraft and fly.  You can also fly in any weather conditions day or night or fly in "real-world" weather that is updated continually throughout the flight.

Random system failures can be generated to simulate emergencies some of which I wouldn't want to practice in real-life!  How well emergencies are represented in FSX is dependant on the flight model of the aircraft and limitations of FSX, eg I don't think default FSX represents forward and side slipping too well.

Flight Simulator is very addictive... I've got the Saitek flight yoke, throttle quadrant and rudder pedals, TrackIR (head motion sensor for virtual cockpit viewing) and three monitors  :-)  

Here's a pilot talking about where Microsoft Flight Simulator can assist with real-world pilot training:


If you want to use FSX to simulate real-world procedures and operations more accurately, I would recommend getting your hands on the book "Microsoft Flight Simulator X for Pilots Real World Training".  I've found it useful and it's written by real-world pilots.  They focus on what aspects of flight that FSX simulates well.  Check it out:


So how far can you go with Flight Simulator X?  Well some guys get right into it building home cockpits.  Here's an extreme home cockpit of a Boeing 737-800NG using FSX (wow!):

There are loads of add-ons to FSX (free and payware) which enhance the realism.  These add-ons include aircraft, scenery, environment, airports, sound packs, textures, etc. 

For those interested, here's a list of FSX add-ons I have installed:

Airport Add-Ons 
(these airports obviously come with FSX however they are depicted much more accurately to the real-world airport)
  • YBBN - Brisbane International
  • YCDR - Caloundra
  • YPMQ - Port Macquarie
  • YRED - Redcliffe
  • YSCH - Coffs Harbour
  • YMLT - Launceston
  • YBLN - Busselton
  • YLIL - Lilydale
  • YPLC - Port Lincoln
  • YMUI - Murray Island
  • 1S2 - Darrington Municipal
  • 2S1 - Vashon Island
  • 7WA3 - West Wind
  • WA7M - Walter Musa Field
  • CEN4 - High River Regional
  • CEJ4 - Claresholm Industrial
  • KHQM - Bowerman Airport
  • WA69 - Wax Orchards
  • WA79 - Walter Sutton
  • EGFF - Cardiff
  • TNCM - Princess Juliana International Airport
  • TFFJ - St. Barts
  • TNCS - Saba
  • CYBD - Bella Coola (THE best airport enhancement for Flight Sim X) - http://www.fullterrain.com/product_cybd.html
Weather Environment Add-Ons
  • REX Essential Plus
  • Active Sky 2012
Scenery Add-Ons
  • Orbx FTX AU SP4 Australia
  • KPDX cityscape - Portland
  • Orbx FTX EU England
  • Orbx FTX NA Pacific Northwest
  • Orbx FTX NA Blue Pacific Fjords (USA/Canada)
Aircraft Add-Ons
  • DHC-6 Twin Otter
  • Lancair IV-P
  • BN-2 Islander
  • iFly 737NG
  • Cessna C182Q Skylane II
  • Embrier ERJ-135LR
  • Evektor Sportstar LSA
  • RealAir Turbine Duke
  • RealAir Scout
  • Flight1 Piper Cub
  • Aerosoft Airbus X Extended


  1. I’ve been absent for a while, but now I remember why I used to love this website. Thank you, I’ll try and check back more frequently. How frequently you update your web site?
    Flight Simulators in India

    1. Hey Naveen, thanks for the kind comments :-) As I'm going through my cross country navigation flights, I'm only flying every 3-4 weeks given the cost (I fly 3-4 hours per cross country). So I'm updating my blog after each flight. Keep coming back to check and thanks for reading! :-)
